Optimal for aPCR signal from the bottom of the plate
The fully-skirted CAPP Expell 384-well PCR Plates are the ideal choice for PCR and (q)PCR applications, as they fit standard 384-well cyclers and can be used in many 384-well blocks of (q)PCR cycler models. They feature ultrathin walls. which are treated to minimize the binding of proteins and have an evaporation rate of less than 3%, enabling the processing of PCR volumes as small as 5 µL.
CAPP Expell 384 well consumables are made of a special blend of PP, designed for PCR and qPCR applications. The plates are rigid, flat and stackable.
They feature ultrathin walls. which are treated to minimize the binding of proteins.
The PCR plates are compatible with the majority of 384-well cyclers.
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